11th Annual BHERC Youth Diversity Film Festival
The Black Hollywood Education and Resource Center (BHERC) announces Call For Submissions for the 11th Annual BHERC Youth Diversity Film Festival streaming virtually on BHERC.TV Saturday, January 16th thru Sunday, January 17th, 2021. After a successful month-long 26th Annual African American Film Marketplace & S.E. Manly Short Film Showcase (AAFM SEMSFS) which went virtual this year due to COVID-19 online at www.BHERC.TV entertaining more than 6,700 attendees from across the globe, the Youth Diversity Film Festival will also screen virtually focused solely on films by Middle and High School students and special panels with industry professionals. “With such a great response to our large festival by attendees who watched on-demand industry panels, special events, screenings and the 140 curated films told by diverse filmmakers from 18 countries, 20 US states ages 9 to adult,” stated Festival Director Billie J. Green. “We wanted to continue our commitment to our youth by providing a distinct opportunity for them to shine and amplify their work!”.
To submit your film for consideration to be included in the festival, please go online to: https://bherc.org/festivals/los-angeles-youth-diversity-film-festival/ to download and complete the form in its entirety.
Entry Requirements:
· Complete form
· Must be age 9 to 18 (no school requirement)
· Submit your short film through http://bherc.wetransfer.com
· Your film must be no shorter than 1 minute and no longer than 60 minutes
· Include your production crew and cast
· Include any production photos
· Include any marketing materials or reviews of your project
Remember to Save-the-Date for the 11th Annual BHERC Youth Diversity Film Festival online at www.BHERC.TV Saturday, January 16th thru Sunday, 17th, 2021. For information about the festival and film submissions please contact Billie J. Green, Director, BHERC Youth Diversity Film Festival at email: billie.jgreen@yahoo.com or by phone: (323) 732-6275
Check back after January 1, 2020 to register for the festival at www.BHERC.org.