Artist: Adrian Waltuo
San Diego, CA
Los Angeles, CA, June 01, 2018 — Adrian Davis Jr is a Hip Hop artist from Southeast San Diego California going by the stage name Adrian Waltuo or also known as A.D. Music is his escape from this cold world, it eases the pain, and helps him get through hard times. It makes him smile, when he’s down and out, he starts writing or just puts on a beat and freestyles. Adrian drifts into his own world. He just get in his own zone when he’s focused on his music. He doesn’t do it as a hobby, or because everyone else is doing it, or because he wants to be like some of the stereotypical rappers. He does it because it’s his passion. He does it because it’s his outlet. If he didn’t have music he’d probably be dead or in jail. “Music for me is very therapeutic”, he says.
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Since he was a kid he’s always loved music. Adrian started getting into music at the age of 12. He was too shy to rap around his peers. At age 17, he started writing. He wrote a couple songs about his experiences in life and in his community. “I loved the fact that I could express all my emotions, and my thoughts on paper to make a song. That’s when I became real serious about music, and started to pursue rapping as a career”, Adrian goes on to say. He started writing in March of 2005. By June of 2005 when he graduated high school he had a whole rhyme book completed. He didn’t know he had so much to let off his chest. He truly put his blood, sweat and tears in his music, just uncut and raw. He has to keep it real with his music, because if he doesn’t he’s not keeping it real with himself. Also music has made him become smarter, opening his mind to always search for more knowledge.
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“As I got older, I started to understand the power of music. I realized that its a universal language and always has been. I truly believe that music is so powerful, that it can convince nations to change their outlook on life and to put their weapons down. To strive for a better change. I know that God has given me a big responsibility and when I understood that, I knew that it’s way bigger than rap, it’s deeper than that. Some of the things that drive me are that I can change peoples perspective on life. I love being able to relate to people through my music, I’m writing for change. I’m trying to open peoples eyes so they can see the matrix were living in. Truth is I refuse to dumb it down for a dollar. I’m going to keep it real even if it kills me. You might ask me why, well if I suppress this knowledge or information. I’m no better than the ones in control keeping the truth from us. When people approach me after I perform and tell me how real my music is, that’s what keeps me going. That’s one of the main things that drives me because it lets me know that someone is acknowledging my music and they’re listening. So I know I’m always speaking to that person when I put a song out I just want to be heard. When I leave I’m cool because with music I’m Immortal. I’m leaving something for you to vibe to, music to relate to no matter your situation or how your feeling.”
His goals for his music are to be the best he can, and keep striving. He knows that he can become better than the year before to master his craft. That’s what he’s working towards. Also expanding his creativity with music, either if its learning an instrument or writing to instrumentals. He wants to become a better composer, singer, and performer. Adrian wants his music to be acknowledged and remembered after he’s gone. “When you hear someone playing your music in a car, in a stereo, club, or rapping the lyrics, It’s a great feeling. I have to bring the realness and passion back to hip hop because it’s so watered down now days, everyone talks about the same topics about money, sex and drugs. The concepts I talk about in my music, is what makes me stand out from the others”, he says.
Another goal of his is to start his own record label. There’s a lot of talent the city of San Diego he feel but doesn’t feel they have enough local support like other cities. With limited major labels, it’s hard for people to collaborate because of feeling too divided in his city. Feeling the crabs in a barrel effect, instead of supporting someone doing good or helping one another. He’s watched others pulling down the one doing good. So he hopes by having his own record label he can help change that. He also wants to start his own production company. Another of one of his life goals is to marry fiance Elizabeth, mother of two year old son Adrian III and seven month old daughter Aria. Make sure his family is taken care of after he leaves. Adrian wants to change the world. He desires to help his community and his people rise, grow and become united as we should.
Contact Information:
Email: Adriandavisjr@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adrian_waltuo/
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/adrianwaltuo
Great article Adrian I’m proud of you bro. Music is one of your gifts keep sharing it with the world fam.