LA Hip Hop Events Featured in Feedspot Top 20 Los Angeles Hip Hop Blogs
Shout out to Feedspot for including LA Hip Hop Events in their Top 20 Los Angeles Hip Hop Blogs. It is always an honor when our work is recognized and we are placed amongst the platforms we admire the most.
Since the birth of LA Hip Hop Events we have shared a vision for how it should grow. The pandemic not only stopped the world of live events but more importantly taking the lives of some of those we loved including our larger social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter while growing others like Pinterest 200k+ followers + Facebook 11k+ likes.
Life hasn’t quite been the same since. 2023 and beyond promises to be a wavy ride full of up’s no downs and we are so excited to embark on this journey with new and old friends. Let’s growwwwwwww!
To check us out and others with whose platforms you’ve probably heard of or will now discover. Click here to explore more.