Leimert Park Rising: Juneteenth Festival | June 19, 2020
Pray For The Hood x Leimert Park Rising
Juneteenth Festival
It took a village to bring it to the village
Celebrating black independence, in every way imaginable.
Special honorees: Ben Caldwell • Lauren Halsey • Olympia Auset • Dom Kennedy
3 Stages.
All Ages.
All people.
All black enterprise.
FREE. Artwork by: @djfm.la
@prayforthehood / @hotandcoolcafe / @haruncoffee / @ackeebamboo / @worldstagepress
@sikadwimfo / @rideonbikecoop / @artandpractice / @solefolks / @harun_intl / @barbaramorrisonperformingarts /
Hello. I am flattered that my name is on the flyer and would gladly DJ but I haven’t spoken to anyone from. the event so I am a bit confused about whom to contact. Can someone please contact me with info? Thank you for your time and blessings.
Don’t know how that happened, but hey it was a beautiful event.. that your name was included on.
Can’t wait to go celebrate tomorrow..!